Sunday, May 6, 2007

My new laptop

I just got my computer this Saturday and it is awesome! My aunt gave me her old computer and she got a new one. Now I am going to practice my typing. Bye!

Monday, April 9, 2007


I have just gotten back from Venezuela. It was so awesome!!! Especially the cave, I think it
was 800 km long! Oh, also I collected some fruits that the birds eat and, I went to two different
beaches but, I can't remember the beach's name.


Sunday, March 25, 2007

My first Blog

I have re-enetered Taekwon Do. It's been a long time since I have been in Taekwon Do; but I promised myself I would go two days a week. I stopped going to Taekwon Do because my ankle hurt a lot; but now it does not hurt that much so it gave me the opportunity to go back.
What I really like about TaekwonDo is that I can see my friends and get stripes and learn.
My goal is to get a half red/half black belt this year. Then I will pratice for a year so I can test for my black belt.